

So, summer has nearly kicked my fanny.

No, that's not really true.

It's been a really good summer, but not without it's challenges.  The ending of another school year obviously raised the kid population of our home by one, bringing it to all three here twenty-four hours a day.  I love having Brilliant Beauty home, but it was certainly an adjustment for everyone.  And out of forty-five days of summer so far, Ma Luffin' Mayun traveled away from home for thirteen.  That's twenty-nine percent of the summer.  Um, wow.  I just figured that up.  Phew.  No wonder it felt like a third of the summer.  Alas, he's home and we're all supremely happy about that.

It is not for lack of topics that I haven't blogged, but just the lack of highly prioritizing blogging in the midst of the busyness.  At the end of the day it has been far more appealing to disengage my brain rather than engage it in the pursuit of creative blog posts.

But let's move on, shall we?

I'm back to it...

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